I, Mutant

The hideous innards of a Dalek - a Kaled Mutant
A horrid innards of Dalek mutant - at last revealed.

Doctor, the legacy of Davros is constantly being revealed. I'm afraid more of his disturbed experiments are coming to light. The organic component of the mostly mechanical Dalek is a radiated and mutated creature that was once a Skaran humanoid's brain. This creature is known as a Kaled Mutant. As I'm sure you learned in your encounters, even a nascent Kaled Mutant is quite lethal and capable of strangulation with their tentacles.

It seems this fleshy core of the Dalek's limited ability to reason lies hidden behind thick armor plating (made of an alien substance called Dalekenium) and is bristling with deadly weaponry. The sum of it's parts is a twisted, evil and maniacal form of life.


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